Email Handover Template - Implementation to Account Team

This article provides a useful template for handing over the implementation of a project to the account team via email, allowing readers to effectively communicate project details and responsibilities.

Last updated on January 22nd, 2024

To finalise an implementation, you will need to send an email to the Account Team (CSM, AM, TAS) confirming that the implementation is complete, providing a post-implementation report and mentioning any challenges and next steps. 

Here is a template:

Hi CSM, AM and TAS,

This is to confirm that [Account Name] has completed implementation. 

Post-implementation report:

  1. # of synced locations
  2. # of unverified locations
  3. # of requires review locations
  4. Google connection %
  5. FB connection % (if applicable)
  6. % Profile completeness
  7. Onboarding rate (module adoption) - what products have not been implemented
  8. SSO




Next Steps for CS / TAS:





[IC Name]

If there is no CSM assigned, you can send the handover email to the following addresses:

If there is no AM assigned, you only need to send it to the CSM and TAS (if applicable). 

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