5-Step Implementation Guide

Step-by-step guide for setting up your locations in the platform

Last updated on June 1st, 2022

This is the ultimate guide to start managing your business data through the platform. 
These five simple steps will get you closer to unlocking your locations' online potential.

Step 1 Locations

The first step to manage your listings online is to add your locations to the platform.
Learn about how to structure your data and add locations with our guide 

Step 2 Sync

Your locations are ready to sync. We recommend you enable the auto-sync function for your locations to be always up-to-date.
To learn more about sync and auto-sync, click here.
Step 3 Google My Business In this step, we recommend you apply for your account's bulk verification status prior to connecting, if applicable. Follow our Google My Business (GMB) Connect Guide to establish the connection to your locations.

Step 4 Facebook

Follow our Facebook (FB) Connect Guide to establish the connections with your Facebook locations.

Step 5 Final Review

In this final step you will review the connections established and learn how to reply to feedback provided by our Data Quality Team directly through the platform! Review your locations here.

You are set!

If you have further questions, have a look around our knowledge base.

You can type your question on the search bar above or browse through the "Mastering our Platform" section as illustrated in the video below. 

You will find answers to FAQs and additional content to take your listings to the next level!

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