Locator & Pages Re-ordering Pages Components

Contains the settings to re-order the components on the Local pages for Locator & Pages

Last updated on March 25th, 2022

It is possible to re-arrange the displayed components on the Local Pages. Components, can be moved vertically, but not horizontally between columns. Components of the Primary column must stay in that column, the same thing can be said for components of the Secondary column.

To re-order the components of the each column, use the column's respective data-attribute (data-locationpageprimarycolumn & data-locationpagesecondarycolumn) and enumerate the components in the desired order.

The following components are part of the Primary columns of Local Pages:

basic-data, social-post (mobile only), description, products, menu, custom-content-list, events, reviews, imprint, custom-field

The following components are part of the Secondary columns of Local Pages:

social-post, services, payment-options, social-profiles, people, languages, categories, brands, keywords, similar-locations, imprint (mobile only), custom-field

This example shows a re-order of the Primary Column


This example shows a re-order of the Secondary Column


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