What can I do in the Accounts tab?

Last updated on October 30th, 2020

Our software can be individually adapted to your company needs. Among other things, you can create different accounts for your company - for different brands, for example. Or you can divide your accounts between sales regions if you need. 

This allows users of the software to segment and assign different roles and access rights. Check below what can be seen and done under the Accounts sidebar and tab:


Add an account

This is where you can create a new account and, optionally, a new user. The information provided here is just for your internal use and will not be published. Only available for Multi-Account-Manger and Administrators
Export a list of accounts
This option allows you to download the list of all accounts in an .xls file, and it will consider any selected filters, such as status and number of locations.
Contract & Account Status Information
You can filter according to Active or Inactive accounts and use this for refining the search or exporting only certain accounts.

Accounts Tab

Invoice Address & Contact Information
for your internal use, no invoice will be created by the system
User Rights
an overview of the users and their roles
Number of Locations within the account
This section specifies how many locations under this account are active. Once you click on the number, you are redirected to the next tab (Locations), and you can find more details about it here.
Product Plan the Product Plan currently applied for the account, scheduled plan changes will be noted here
Change Plan possibility to change the plan, if another plan is available
starts immediately, with the new subscription replacing the old potentially changing duration and end date (if end date according to the new plan is after the current end date)
starts after the first subscription is finished with the new plan and duration

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