Pending Review Items

Follow the guide below to ensure the locations' pending items are reviewed in this final step

Last updated on July 27th, 2024


In this step, we will focus on the locations' 'Sync Status' and 'Directory Connections Status'.

Go to the 'Locations' tab. On the top right you have multiple filter options. 

Sync Status

Requires Review

Select the 'Requires review' item on the drop down. Locations that fall under this filter require your attention. 

A common reason for a location requiring review is that the location given address could not be found by our data quality team. To learn more about the different invalidation reasons, click here

Directory Connection Status

Google My Business

Verified: location is successfully connected. The end goal is to have all locations under this status.

Verified by third party: you must request access to locations 

Verification required/Verification pending: location requires individual verification. Select the location, go to the "Directories" tab and click on "Verify this location" to request the code. 

Not connected: the location is not connected. These are the locations for which the connection is pending. Have a look at our Google My Business (GMB) Connect Guide to connect the locations.


Connected: location is successfully connected. 

Not connected: these are the locations for which the connection is still pending. Have a look at our Facebook (FB) Connect Guide to connect the locations.

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