How to request access to a Google Business Profile (GBP) location via our platform?

    This article details the step-by-step process to gain access of listings that are currently owned by a third party

    Last updated on April 12th, 2023

    You can request access to claimed by others Google Business Profile listing via our App with the steps below:

    1. Click on one location and select the 'Directories' tab on the top as shown below

    2. In Google widget, click on 'Access'

    3. A connect flow will pop up and you will be prompted with the Google Request Access Form.

    5. Fill the form accordingly and click 'Submit'. We suggest you request 'Ownership' access to your listing.

    Once you request is sent, the current owner will have the possibility to accept, ignore or deny your request.

    If the user denies or ignores our request, Google will give you the option to manually verify the location and gain access. This option might take up to 3 days to be provided. 

    Continue to manage your location's status easily through the platform. 

    Once you are given the possibility to verify the location, the location will be automatically moved to the status 'Verification required'

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