How can I upload multiple locations in Google Business Profile?

    Last updated on February 22nd, 2022

    If you have multiple locations, you don't need to add them individually to Google Business Profile. You can upload them at once by using their bulk upload template:

    1. Follow these instructions and create a spreadsheet. The following data is required for each location:
      • Store code: a unique identifier by your choosing. This ID ensures changes to your locations are stored correctly
      • Business name: the name of the location should represent the business name as it is used in the real world.
      • Address: Please follow these detailed guidelines.
      • Primary phone AND/OR website address: you need to fill in at least one of the two options 
      • Primary category: the category you offer your services in as pre-defined by Google Business Profile
    1. Import your spreadsheet and check the import preview summary for any possible mistakes.
    2. Once you have reviewed and confirmed changes in the preview, you can either Submit the changes or click Cancel to double-check your file and import it again.

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