Why can't I reply to my Yelp reviews?

    Last updated on May 19th, 2023

    Yelp has very strict guidelines around Yelp business accounts and profiles and will block accounts if they do not adhere to Yelp's standards. Once blocked you will no longer be able to reply to your Yelp reviews.



    The listing has to be claimed and the business account has to be connected to Yelp to be able to answer the reviews from the CoreX platform.


    Below is a summary of these guidelines. Feel free to check the links to find the full guidelines on how to name your business account here and how to update your profile picture here.


    Accepted names: The first and last name of an individual. We also allow a first name and a last initial.
    Rejected names: The company name, a generic name, a fake name or a title/position. 


    Accepted photos: a real, clear photo of the business representative so that Yelpers can attach a face to their interactions.
    Rejected photos: a group of people, far away photos, blurry photos, stock photos, logos, storefronts.

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