What are location Labels and how to use them?

    What are they and how can they be applied? Best practises

    Last updated on June 7th, 2022

    What are labels?

    They are an internal feature for sorting and grouping locations and will not be submitted to any directory.

    For example, one could create a label called “Germany” or “Italy” to group the locations which are in those countries.

    Where are they created?

    Users can create labels under the Basic Data of each location profile. They can also be inserted in the Excel Sheet and imported when you edit multiple location data‍. 

    It is a free text field that allows to either select from existing labels or create new ones. The amount of labels is unlimited.

    How to use labels?

    Labels are particularly useful within the reputation management module (Customers and Publish tabs), for filtering the reviews or posting to segmented groups within your locations, using a specific label (e.g. "Outlet"). Also, this way, marketing campaigns can be created in no time and the corresponding locations can be quickly selected through the specific label (e.g. “Easter Campaign”, “Valentine’s Day”).

    It's also possible to apply several labels when creating a post, so you can include all the locations that are part of each label.

    You can filter locations in the dashboard insights based on their labels. For example, to evaluate the reviews of your store with the label “Outlet” after an offer has been made public.


    Because labels are for internal use only, they will neither be published nor be visible on any directory.

    What is the difference between admin-only and public labels?

    All users with edit rights on labels can create public labels. Once created on location level, all users can manage the labels assigned to their locations. 

    Admin users can change the permission of a location label by setting it admin-only that is to say visible and managed only by Admin users. 

    Both types can be exported in the Labels columns.

    Best practices

    • Do not use special characters (e.g. +)
    • Use labels whenever they add functionality. If a location doesn't fit into any groups it doesn't need to have a label
    • Try to stay within 5-10 labels for each location - Less is more
    • Use unique keywords where possible because the search function in the platform also searches in the name & address (e.g. do not use “west” as a label if many locations have this word in their name or full address; use “westregion” instead)
    • One location can have multiple labelsbut, it is not possible to specifically target locations which have more than one label. Thus, it is better to create a unique label for each purpose:
      • Example: Location101 has Label A, Location102 has Label B and Location103 has both Label A and B. When posting for both Label A and Label B you are including ALL locations under those labels, in this case, all 3 Locations. To target Location103 only create a label “AandB” to be chosen when posting for locations for which Label A and Label B applies. 

    Use case examples & recommendations

    • Labels per region

    • Labels per brand

    • Any locations eligible to post on GMB (if there are any)

    • High/Low performing locations

    • Franchise/Co-owned locations

    • Locations taking part in X campaign/event

    • Flagship locations

    • Locations with good/bad reviews

    • Locations which need new imagery

    • Locations to be opened/closed soon (remember not to syncronise locations which are not yet open)

    • Connected Facebook locations (if not all locations are connected for strategic/operational reasons)

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