What is a location lifecycle and how do we bill them ?

    Learn more about location lifecycle and billing

    Last updated on October 30th, 2020

    Location Lifecycle

    Location Life Cycle is reflected by the following location statuses : 


    Are listings updated ?

    Is location billed ? Until when ?

    Location is automatically renewed ?

    ACTIVE = location is managed by us




    CANCELLED = location is managed by us but won’t be renewed

    Yes until status is changed to INACTIVE on contract endDate*

    No: on contract endDate*, location turns INACTIVE

    CLOSED = location is closed and no longer serves customers

    No : last update is to inform directory that location is closed (mark as closed or delete listing)

    No. As soon as the status changes to CLOSED, the location will no longer be billed


    INACTIVE = location is no longer managed by us


    Yes until contract endDate* is reached


    *contract endDate = date when contract ends, determined by the product plan’s durations. 

    Location Lifecycle and Billing

    Until when a location is billed is determined by : 

    • Its product plan’s durations

    Thanks to those, a contract “endDate” will be calculated. It can be found in the “Contract Status” column in the App’s Locations list. 

    Until the endDate, the location will be billed. Once this date is reached, the location will be: 

    • Renewed if location status is ACTIVE -> new endDate will be calculated
    • Turned INACTIVE and no longer billed, if location status is CANCELLED -> no new endDate calculation
    • No longer billed if location INACTIVE already -> no new endDate calculation

    Let’s take a location created on 1.1.2018.

    Product Plan has: 

    • 12 months initial duration 
    • 1 month duration

    1. ACTIVE location

    When location is created, we automatically calculate the location endDate:

    • endDate = 1/1/18 + 12 months = 1/1/19
    • On endDate, we calculate the new endDate
    • New endDate =  endDate + 1 month = 1.2.19

    And so on ... 

    2. CANCELLED location

    • endDate = 1/1/18 + 12 months = 1/1/19

    • New endDate = endDate + 1 month = 1.2.19
    • New endDate = endDate + 1 month = 1.3.19
    • On 15.2.19: change status from ACTIVE to CANCELLED 
    • When the new endDate is reached on  1.3.19 
      • location will turn INACTIVE
      • Will not be renewed and not be billed anymore

    3. INACTIVE location

    • endDate = 1/1/18 + 12 months = 1/1/19

    • New endDate = endDate + 1 month = 1.2.19
    • New endDate = endDate + 1 month = 1.3.19
    • On 15.2.19: change status from ACTIVE (or CANCELLED) to INACTIVE 
      • from this date, we no longer update listings etc for the location
      • but location will be billed until 1.3.19 
    • On 1.3.19 : no renewal and no billing

    4. REACTIVATED location after endDate (= re-activationDate after endDate)

    Same as ex #3. 

    • On 1.6.19: change status from INACTIVE to ACTIVE = re-activationDate
    • New endDate = re-activationDate + duration = 1.6.19 + 1 month = 1.7.19 
    • and so on ... 

    5. REACTIVATED location before endDate (= re-activationDate before endDate)

    Same as ex #3. 

    • On 25.2.19: change status from INACTIVE to ACTIVE = re-activationDate
      • Nothing changes: location will be charged until 1.3.19 (= endDate 3)
      • We will update listings again
    • New endDate = endDate + duration = 1.3.19 + 1 month = 1.4.19
    • and so on ...

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