Checklist for submitting location data in bulk

    Last updated on May 28th, 2024

    Before submitting your location data to our platform, we highly recommend you going through this checklist. This fastens the location data upload process and makes sure that the data is in the format our platform accepts it.

    Identifier (mandatory)

    • Please notice: If you are planning connecting with Google, the identifier will override the StoreID in Google. Therefore we recommend you to use the same StoreID as in GBP (Google Business Profile).
    • Is the Store identifier unique for each location?
    • Does every location have an identifier?

    Location name (mandatory)

    Address (mandatory)

    • The address column contains only street name and number
    • Address Line 2 contains any additional information about the address
    • Each location must have a ZIP code
    • Each location must have a city
    • Each location must have a country code

    Phone number (mandatory)

    • Each location must have a phone number

    Category (mandatory)

    • Each location requires at least one category (max 5 categories). 
    • Did not find a category you are looking for? Please contact our Support Team and we will check if we can add better matching categories for you.

    Opening hours (optional)

    • If you are providing opening hours for the locations, make sure that those are in supported format: Day(Abbreviation)=hh:mm-hh:mm
    • Example: Mo=08:00-16:00;Tu=08:00-15:00&17:00-19:00;We=08:00-16:00;Th=08:00-16:00;Fr=08:00-16:00;Sa;Su

    Short and long description (optional)

    • The short description can contain up to 200 characters. We however recommend keeping it to max. 100 characters to ensure it gets accepted by Facebook. Use this formula in Excel to see that the length does not exceed the maximum supported amount.
    • Some directories do require a long description. Make sure you add that. You can copy a short description if you do not feel creative enough. Make sure that the description does not exceed the limit of 1000 characters. Please note that Google accepts max. 750 characters. Use this formula in Excel to see that length does not exceed the maximum supported amount. 

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