What can I find in the Locations tab?

Last updated on July 27th, 2024

 Let's take a look at some important features on the Locations page:

  • Create a (new) location

You can add one location manually as explained here. You are also able to add or update multiple locations at once by using the Import/Export functions as explained here

  • Location name and identifier

When you select a specific location by clicking on its name, you are able to edit the individual location's data.

  • Search and filters

When using the search bar, you can type in the location's name, identifier or address. Besides that, there many useful filter options to help you find your locations more effectively:

  • Account: if you need to have an overview of one or some specific accounts
  • Sync Status: if you would like to check which accounts are in sync or not
  • Location Status: this allows you to filter according to the status of the location
  • Directory Connection Status: related to the verification status the account currently has with Google and Facebook.
  • Start Sync

The option on the top right side of the page will trigger the sync for all selected locations, meaning that it will start the transmission of data from to the directories.

  • General overview

Once you have at least one location listed here, you can have a general overview on other different aspects, and you can hover your mouse on each icon to see what it relates to:


Icon Meaning
Contract Status:
   This column identifies the status‍ and the current end date of the contract. 
How many directories‍ this location is synced out of the total number of directories in the product plan
This indicates the percentage of the fields that were filled with required information about the profile.
(Read more here‍)
This clarifies what data is missing for each location's profile (e.g. opening hours), so you can take the necessary actions  based on the recommendation to complete it.
Part of the reputation management module, the Posts column displays information about posts or offers‍ created via the section "Publish".
Part of the Engage product, this shows the average rating‍ provided by customers who have evaluated the location in the overall directories.
Also part of the reputation management module, here you can see how many ratings and reviews‍ were left by customers in total in all the connected directories.
We help you improve your profile by suggesting fields which have not been filled out by searching on all directories. Here you can check whether suggestions exist or not for the location and then be redirected to choose which ones are the best or simply keep the field empty. 
This will show any labels‍ that have been created for this location for internal sorting and grouping purposes. 
The date when each location was synced‍ with the directories is displayed here.

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