Why is my listing not in Sync?

    The most common reasons for why a listing is not in sync.

    Last updated on July 3rd, 2024

    You have done an update in the platform and, after allowing a couple of minutes, notice the changes are not reflecting on your listing?

    Once an update is made in the platform and the location is synced, the system is sending the update to all directories. The directories have different updating cycles. Please allow the directories 24 - 72 hours to process the update prior to attempting to troubleshoot the listing. Some directories have longer updating cycles, like for example, Bing and Yelp.

    Please familiarize yourself with the below items in order to most efficiently troubleshoot your issue. At the end of this article are instructions for how to reach Uberall's support teams.

    Reasons for a listing not being inSync

    The location has not yet been synced to the platform

    After entering all location details to the App, be sure to click Save Changes at the bottom of the page. After you've saved the changes, sync the location either by enabling auto-sync or by clicking on 'Sync now' on location level in the App. Doing this will send all the information to our database and the necessary processes will begin to eventually submit the location to the directories.



    If you are creating a new business with more than 10 locations, you will receive a notification warning you that not all locations can be synchronised. Please reach out to the support team to remove this notification and the so-called sync active blocker. 

    The location has been created or updated too recently

    A newly created location will go through the following steps before the information is published on a directory

    1. Pre-Sync check: The system scans the directories to see whether or not the listing already exists on a directory. This process takes up to 5 working days.
    2. Cleansing: Our manual process of checking, validating & optimising the profile details of a business location to ensure fastest publication rates. This process takes around 3 weeks.
    3. Submission: Once all checks are complete, the location is queued for submission to the directory (either by flat-file or API)
    4. Internal review by Directory: Once a directory receives the data, the directory will perform their own internal reviews before publication.

    For new locations, please allow around 4 weeks for all the above processes to complete.
    For existing  locations which you have updated, please allow around 3 days if they do not require cleansing and 2 weeks if the directory requires the location to be cleansed.

    The location has not yet been (re)cleansed

    Cleansing occurs both when a location is first created and also when certain address details are amended. When creating or updating a location, please allow around 3 weeks for the cleansing process to complete.

    You can track the cleansing status by visiting the location's Profile in the App, seen on the right side of the page.

    The address was not able to be located

    If the address is not able to be found, the location is essentially put on hold and submission to the directories will not occur. The most common reasons for not finding an address is due to imprecise or wrong information (e.g. a P.O. box was given instead of a street name). If this occurs, you will be prompted to place the pin for us the next time you log into the App.

    To see a list of locations not able to be processed by Uberall, filter Requires Review under the Sync Status on the Locations tab of the App.

    The listing is Claimed by Others

    Sometimes a listing is under active ownership on a directory before Uberall becomes involved. When this is the case, we will provide an completed email template in the App which you can send to the contact page on the directory's website which asks to transfer ownership to Uberall. Until this process is completed, the listing will not get updated.

    The location data doesn't match the official website

    If the information on the business' official website does not match the information in the Uberall App, many publishers will not accept Uberall's updates. Please resolve any disparities between the website and the App and resync.

    The location was updated direction on Google Business Profile (GBP)

    If there is a change done by the owner in the GBP listing directly and NOT through Uberall, our system will recognize the update on GBP to be the most recent and will allow that update to remain. This will not change until a new and more up-to-date value is added in the platform. For more information, please see our Google Update Logic article, here.

    Contacting Uberall Support

    If the above reasons do not apply for your listing, then either a submission error has occurred or the directory has rejected the update. In this case, please make contact with Uberall's Customer Support by sending a mail to operations@uberall.com. Please include the below information when reaching out:

    1. The Location's ID
    2. A precise description of the issue you are experiencing
    3. Screenshot of the issue
    4. URLs (from the App, directories, etc.)

    Additional Resources

    What is Cleansing?

    What are the different Sync Statuses?

    Why is my location update not showing on Apple Maps?

    How Can I verify my Google Account or my Locations?

    Google Update Logic

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