Pre-requisites for connecting your Instagram Accounts

Learn how to successfully link your Instagram account to other services and accounts.

Last updated on July 27th, 2024


In this article we cover the prerequisites for connecting your Instagram account in Uberall. Once you have confirmed all these steps, you can connect your Instagram account to post to your Instagram page(s) and view and comment on those posts in your Feed within the platform.

Pre-requisites for Instagram Connection:

  1. Facebook pages are in a brand page structure
  2. Instagram account(s) are set up as professional pages. 
  3. Instagram account(s) are connected to respective Facebook page(s)

1. Verifying your Facebook Brand Page Structure

Only Facebook Brand pages are considered eligible for the brand level connections required to connect to Instagram to Uberall. A brand page is a parent page on Facebook with location pages (stores) nested underneath it. 

Visit Store Locations in Meta Business Manager to determine if you have locations in brand page structure. Facebook businesses in brand page structure will have a defined brand page and a list of location pages. 

Facebook pages not in brand page structure?

Businesses that have not set up a brand page structure will need to create the structure within Meta Business Manager. 



A limitation in Facebook requires that pages be in the "classic" page experience to set up a brand page structure. If your page is in the "new" page experience, you will be required to revert back to the classic experience before setting up a brand page structure. 

By reverting back to the classic experience you will be impacting any published posts and ads created on the new page experience. Click here to learn more about changing the experience of your Facebook Pages. 

Creating a brand page structure in Facebook classic page experience

Step 1: Create a store pages structure on Facebook. To create a store pages structure, you must be an admin of the Facebook page. You will perform this step in Meta Business Manager. Facebook Instructions.

Step 2: Add stores to your page structure. To complete this step, you must be an admin of the main Facebook page and have set up a page structure in Step 1.  Facebook Instructions


2. Converting Your Instagram Account to a Business Account

To connect Instagram to Uberall, you will need to make sure that your Instagram account is set up as a business account. All Instagram accounts are eligible to become business accounts. 

See also: Instagram's documentation about how to convert your account.

3. Connecting Your Instagram Account to your Facebook Pages

Within Meta Business Manager, you will now need to connect your main Instagram account to your Facebook Brand page. The brand page is the main page that you set up in your store structure. If you have additional instagram accounts that you would like to connect in Uberall, you can connect them to their respective Facebook store location pages. 

See also: Facebook's documentation about how to add or remove an Instagram account.

Decision Tree

Have you completed the pre-requisites for connecting an Instagram account?

  • Check Now
  • Add Button
Did you confirm that your Facebook pages are in a brand page structure?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Add Button
Are all the Instagram accounts you wish to connect set up as professional accounts?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Add Button
Have you connected the Instagram accounts to their respective Facebook pages?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Add Button
Great! 🎉 You're all set to connect your Instagram account(s) to Uberall. 
Click Here to proceed to the article on how to connect your Instagram account(s) to Uberall. 
Check out the section on Connecting Instagram Accounts to Facebook Pages before proceeding. 
Check out the section on Converting your Instagram account to a Business Account before proceeding. 
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Check out the section on Verifying Your Facebook Brand Structure before proceeding. 
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