Troubleshooting Guides

    Last updated on November 1st, 2023

    You are able to find many answers in our guides and articles by typing your question on the search bar above or browse through our "Mastering our Platform" section. 

    It is possible that you have encountered and edge case and require guidance to troubleshoot and solve easily. 

    Find below articles on common troubleshooting scenarios for edge cases and additional FAQs: 


    Google Connect Troubleshooting


    Facebook Connect Troubleshooting


    Why are the insights graphs for Impressions and Clicks of Google and Facebook empty?

    Why are the Google insights of the last days missing in the dashboard?


    Excel Import Tips & Tricks

    Fixing common errors when bulk importing location data

    Why does my address revert to what was previously inputted?


    Why is my listing not in Sync?

    Why is the number of reviews on the Global Dashboard different than the one on Location level?

    Why don't I see all directories listed in the Directories overview?

    Why is my business name different on some directories?

    If you have additional questions, please contact our operations team through this contact form.
    For any API related question, reach out to our API team through this contact form.

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