Uberall &Charge EV Integration

    An overview of Uberall X &Charge integration to support electric vehicle charging station

    Last updated on February 28th, 2025


    To enhance support for our customers managing electric vehicle charging stations, we’ve partnered with &Charge to bring more user-generated reviews directly from the &Charge app into the new Inbox.


    About &Charge:

    &Charge is an app-based platform that allows users to compare charging experiences, share feedback with charge point operators, and earn rewards.



    Uberall now receives &Charge reviews directly from customers. Initially, these reviews will be read-only, with future plans to enable replies. Each review includes text, a positive or negative recommendation, and optionally, an image uploaded by the user from the charging location.


    Set Up:

    To activate &Charge as a directory simply talk to support about activating the directory and we'll take it from there. Once activated, it will appear in the Inbox where new reviews will populate as they come in.


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