How to enable approval workflows for reviews

    Last updated on September 27th, 2023

    What are Approval Workflows for reviews?

    Approval Workflows are helpful when there is a need to limit user rights for a certain action - in this case, it will restrict the possibility to publish replies to reviews on the section Customer Feedback of our app.

    How to enable the feature

    First, you will need to contact us so that we can activate this feature for you. Once done, the publishing rights can be defined under User Rights while creating or editing the user, as below:

    Toggle off (red) = user needs approval to publish replies to reviews
    Toggle on (green) = user can publish and approve a review written by someone else. Own responses are published right away


    Check this article‍ for an overview of the user experience when they require approval or in case they have the rights to approve, edit and decline a reply to a review.

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