Google Connection and Verification FAQs

    Find out the answer to some of the frequently asked questions about Google connection and verification

    Last updated on February 22nd, 2022

    The link to grant our platform access to the Google account is valid for 14 days.

    Does the structure of my Google account change when I connect to your platform?

    No, the structure (= location groups/business accounts) should stay the same. We advise you to replicate in our platform the same account structure that you have in Google Business Profile of all those locations that you want to manage via our tool.

    Can I connect individually managed locations in Google Business Profile (GBP) with the platform?

    Yes, but you need to be the one managing or owning the locations. Please follow the connection flow‍ at the location level.

    Why can't I connect my Google Business Profile location group (business account)/individual location to the platform?

    The locations that you are trying to connect have to be listed somewhere in your Google Account and you have to be the owner or administrator of the Google Business Profile location group (business account) or individual location.

    If you don't have sufficient rights to connect, you can request manager or ownership user rights:

    • by sharing the URL link for the connection with the current owner of the Google Business Profile account. This URL link is valid for 14 days.
    • by getting an invitation from the current owner to become either administrator or owner (this is a secondary ownership protocol) of the entire location group (business account) or of specific locations.

    Will I have to reconnect my locations with Google if I change the password of the Google account?

    No, there should not be any problem when you change the password of the Google account used to connect your locations between our platform and Google Business Profile.

    Can I also connect an unverified Google Business Profile location group with your platform?

    No. If you haven't verified your Google business account or Google Business Profile listing group you will only be able to connect locations individually with our platform.

    Can I create a Google listing for my location directly in the platform?

    If the location has not been created and added to your Google Business Profile account, you can create a Google listing under entries. Please proceed by clicking Connect for Google.

    Afterwards, you will still need to verify this location, so it can go live on Google.

    How do I change the email address used as primary owner for my Google Business Profile account?

    If you need to change the email address, please proceed with the following steps:

    1. Create a new user with the new, desired email address;
    2. Add it as the owner of the locations/Google Business Profile account;
    3. Contact Google Support, so the new owner can become the primary owner.

    If your Google Business Profile account is bulk verified, you will keep this right and will not need to go through the verification again. However, the new user has to prove that he/she is allowed to manage all locations of that Google Business Profile account.

    What can I do when my Google Business Profile (GBP) bulk verification was rejected?

    In general, the bulk verification process lasts about one week. There are several common issues that can delay the verification process and are related to the following points:

    • Business name: should be represented exactly as in the real world
    • Business locations: all locations submitted for bulk verification should be listed on the business’s official website and multiple locations at the same physical location are not permitted within one feed
    • Ineligible Business Models: only businesses that make in-person contact with customers qualify for bulk verification, agencies managing multiple businesses are not eligible for bulk verification and need to maintain separate accounts for each business
    • Website & Phone: Use local phone number instead of a call center if possible and direct URLs 

    Once you review all the mentioned aspects and make any appropriate changes, your bulk verification should be successful.

    Can I verify my Google account if my locations have different names?

    All the locations must have the same business name so that you are able to verify your Google account in bulk. 
    If you have different business names you need to individually verify the locations.

    What happens to my Google account when I cancel my contract with you?

    When you cancel your contract with us, your Google account gets automatically disconnected after the last day of your contract‍ period. From this moment onwards you will not have access to our platform anymore and we will stop sending updates to Google Business Profile.

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