How can I open and close locations directly in Google Business Profile (GBP)?

    Last updated on February 22nd, 2022

    In most cases, locations can be easily closed directly via our platform. In exceptional cases, e.g. when Google automatically closes sites during the Corona crisis, it will be necessary to adjust the status of some sites directly in Google Business Profile /Google Business Profile). 

    Close and open locations in Google

    To open or close a location directly in Google Business Profile, please login at

    1. Once you selected "Manage locations" on the left side, you will see a drop-down menu in the middle of the window where you can select the location group you would like to work on.
    2. Next, please select the locations you would like to reopen by clicking the appropriate box in front of the Shop Code.
    3. A button for selectable actions will then appear in the blue bar as a drop-down menu on the right side.
    4. Select whether you want to open or close locations permanently and confirm your selection.

    To close locations temporarily, please read the article on temporarily closing locations.

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