Sales Partner (SP) Level Connect Process Flow

Last updated on February 22nd, 2022

The flow below details the process to follow depending on the status of the Google Business Profile location prior to adding the location to the platform. Below the process map you will find links and further explanations detailing the next steps.

Location is verified automatically: no further action required
Verify location: location requires individual verification. The client must go to the "Directories" tab and click on "Verify this location" to request the code. Alternatively, you can you verify the location on behalf of the client by following the steps in the link.
Request Access: Client must request access to the location. Alternatively, you can request access the location on behalf of the client by following the steps as detailed in the article.

Customer shares location with connected Google Business Profile Partner account: The client must add the Google Business Profile connected account as owners of the location.

To learn more about guiding your customer on adding or removing owners and managers, click here.
 Please keep in mind that the location invitation has to be accepted in Google Business Profile for it to be successfully added to the account.

Customer connects from their account: Client must go the "Directories" tab and click on 'Connect' and follow the connect flow. If the customer has no access to the platform, you can send the link from the Google connect pop up as shown below

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