Best Practices for Service Area Locations on L+P

    Discover the most effective strategies and recommendations for optimizing service area locations on Locator + Pages, enabling you to enhance your business's visibility and attract more customers.

    Last updated on February 15th, 2024

    This article holds a collection of best practices for managing service area locations on Locator + Pages.

    What are Service Are Businesses?

    Here's a comprehensive article on the topic: Service Areas and Service Area Businesses (SAB)

    Please familiarize yourself with the form of business and the specialties, which come with that.


    Please note:

    Locations, with address display turned off and service areas defined will be shown on Locator + Pages. The location's address will not be displayed. However the pin will be placed on the coordinates set in our platform. Defined service areas are not visually displayed on the Locator, nor listed on Pages.

    Following we will explain, how to set up service are locations in our L+P product, to ensure, they will bring the most benefit tow both: the business and your customers.


    Location management in dedicated accounts

    In case you are managing locations with and without displaying their addresses, it's advised to managed them separately in dedicated accounts. This allows for easier handling within Uberall, but also opens up possibilities within L+P to treat those locations differently.
    With separate accounts you can assign locations of one account a meaningful logo/graphic used as a pin on the Locator map.

    Choose the correct address // Own your Pin Placement

    Since the pin placement is based upon the entered address details and their corresponding coordinates for all locations, it's important to take that into account, even if you disable the address display for your SAB locations. 

    In other words: Although you hide the address on L+P, the pin will be placed exactly, where the address is located.

    To avoid showing any specific coordinates, there is basically two options to manipulate the pin placement:

    1.  Use a more generic address, which is not related to you business. This way our system will automatically be able to set a pin according to your input. But please be aware, that this can have implications, when connected to Google as well.
    2.  Adjust the coordinates within the Uberall platform either by setting the pin of the location in the platform or by uploading exact coordinates via the import function. Please note, that this can trigger a recleansing of your location. Therefore option one could be preferred.

    Pin design

    To ensure Locator users are able to distinguish the difference between a regular location, which is showing it's address and a SAB location, you could facilitate the option, to upload a dedicated logo/graphic as a pin.

    Content Collection

    By using our Content Collection feature you are enabled to list areas (zips, states, cities, etc.) where you offer your service. Please note, that this input is not taken in consideration for searches in our Locator.

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