Customizations of Locator + Pages via CSS

    This is a collection of the possible customizations using css

    Last updated on August 30th, 2024

    Some aspects of customization are not natively available in the Locator + Pages product. This article shows how to do so using css styles.

    Note that as the product evolves, some of the below customizations might become official features available for customization in the widget attributes. If this is the case, the CSS will be replaced by references to articles explaining how to perform this customization with the widget.


    Please be aware, that the following examples might conflict with your current CSS. They serve as pure examples and might need adjustments to work in your website's HTML.

    Uberall does not guarantee that css adjustments on our locator will be supported by ongoing locator iterations!

    Adding CSS code to the widget

    The css styles need to be added to the html code after the widget, like here:

    Changing Fonts


    #store-finder-widget * {
    font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif !important;
    color: red !important;

    Remove the white background of a logo as pin

    #store-finder-widget .custom-pin-default{
       background: none
     #store-finder-widget .custom-pin-highlighted{
       background: none

    Align Text


    yourElementHere {
      text-align: center;
    yourElementHere {
      text-align: left;
    yourElementHere {
      text-align: right;
    yourElementHere {
      text-align: justify;

    Final Result:

    #store-finder-widget .ubsf_location-page .ubsf_location-page-info-wrapper .custom-content-lis {
        text-align: left; }

    Change width and height of map (example)

    class="article-insert-fragment inser-answer-1313060">By default, the Locator & Pages widget uses a set maximum width on the page i...

    By default, the Locator & Pages widget uses a set maximum width on the page it's implemented on. To make the the Locator use 100% of the width available to it from its enclosing container, add the following data-attribute to the widget: data-showfullwidth="true"

    #store-finder-widget .ubsf_store-finder-column {
        height: 700px;

    Using a Content List as a text box

    If you want to add another "description"-type section to the Locator, you may want to repurpose either the People Content List or the Custom Content List to do this. To use the following Css, you need to make sure that the concerned Content List has at most 1 item in it.

    Custom Content List Css

        .ubsf_content-list-item.ubsf_customitems-list-item.ubsf_has-photo, .ubsf_content-list-item.ubsf_customitems-list-item{width:unset !important; flex:auto !important;}
        .ubsf_content-list-item.ubsf_customitems-list-item.ubsf_has-photo > .description.ubsf_content-list-item-description, .ubsf_content-list-item.ubsf_customitems-list-item > .description.ubsf_content-list-item-description{max-height: unset !important;}

    People Content List Css

        .ubsf_content-list-item.ubsf_person-item.ubsf_has-photo > .description.ubsf_content-list-item-description, .ubsf_content-list-item.ubsf_person-item > .description.ubsf_content-list-item-description{max-height: unset !important;}

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