How can I reactivate a location?

    We can reactivate an inactive or cancelled location, but not permanently closed one.

    Last updated on January 12th, 2021

    You can easily reactivate a location after it has been deactivated or cancelled.

    If you want to reactivate one location that has been cancelled or deactivated:

    1. Sign in to the platform
    2. In the menu of the left, click on Locations
    3. Select and click on the inactive location that you'd like to reactivate
    4. In the upper right corner click on "Reactivate Location"

    If you want to reactivate multiple locations at once:

    Please contact Our team will assist you. 

    If a locations is marked as permanently closed:

    You cannot reactivate a location which is marked as permanently closed. Please contact We will assist you with your request.

    How do we bill reactivated locations?

    The Billing on a re-activated location depends on whether the initial subscription has already run out or not. 

    Initial subscription ended:
    A new subscription will start beginning with the reactivation. The new end date will therefore be based on the reactivation date.

    Initial subscription ongoing: 
    (re-activation before the end date of the subscription)
    The location will finish it's initial subscription after which this renews. The end date will be based on the initial creation date.

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