How do I skip updating photos on Facebook?

    Last updated on March 6th, 2024

    It is possible for a customer to choose whether they want to update the photos directly on Facebook or through our platform.

    The feature that allows this, is called skip photos on Facebook

    What happens if I enable the function?

    If you set the function to be true, you can change the following:

    Component Updated
    Logo No
    Landscape No
    Photos No

    What happens if I disable the function?

    If you set the function to be false, you can change the following:

    Component Updated
    Logo Yes (we replace the existing one which will be still available in the photo section on Facebook)
    Landscape Yes (we replace the existing one which will be still available in the photo section on Facebook)
    Photos Yes (Add photos only)


    The logo and landscape photos will be overwritten only if the timestamp of the file is newer than the one on Facebook.

    The timestamp refers to the date when the file was last saved. If the file in the platform was saved later (meaning it is "younger") than the one on Facebook, we will update it.

    If we overwrite, the customer can still easily update the logo and landscape (cover photo) afterward on Facebook and our system will not overwrite again until a younger file is added on the platform. 

    Example: A user uploads the cover photo on Facebook directly today, but there was already a cover (landscape) photo uploaded in our platform 2 days ago. When the user does the sync, the photo will not get overwritten by us as the timestamp is younger on Facebook.

    How to find this function?

    You can change the function through bulk import of the excel sheet.

    How to do it:

    1. Download an excel sheet (bulk upload template) from the App
    2. Find skipFacebookPicturesUpdate
    3. Fill the column accordingly (true or false)
    4. Save the sheet
    5. Import as usual

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