Service Areas and Service Area Businesses (SAB)

    Everything you need to know about service areas and service area businesses.

    Last updated on February 15th, 2024


    General Information


    What is a Service Area?


    The service area is for businesses that visit or deliver to local customers. For example:

    • A business that visits or delivers to customers, but doesn't serve customers at its business address (e.g. a plumber, private lessons or cleaning service). This is called a Service Area Business
    • A business that serves customers at its business address, but also visits or delivers to customers (e.g. a restaurant that also delivers food). This is called a “Hybrid Location"

    If your business serves customers within a specific service area, you can list it to define the area your business operates in. Listing your service area helps let customers know where you'll go to visit or deliver to them. 


    What is a Service Area Business (SAB)?


    A service area business is a business that doesn't serve customers at its business address. These businesses have their address hidden on Google Maps, and have instead set up service areas only. 


    Setting up service areas is currently only supported by Google. If you add a service area in the platform via the user interface or the API then we will update the ServiceAreaBusiness objects on Google Business Profile. Read more about the different BusinessTypes in the Google Business Profile API documentation here.



    How do Service Areas appear on Google Maps & in GBP?


    There are three combinations that can be set up depending on the business needs. Google does not allow having none of the settings mentioned above. For more information, read about Service Areas for GBP here.


    1. Location with just an address

    In this case, an address has been added to the location on Google, and no service areas have been added. The address display is turned on. 


    On Google Maps, you will see the address of the location and a pin: 



    In your Google Business Profile, you will see the address and no added service areas. The toggle for "Show business address to customers" is activated:



    2. Location with an address & service areas ("hybrid" locations)

    In this case, an address has been added to the location on Google, and service areas have been added. The address display is turned on.


    On Google Maps, you will see the address of the location and a pin. The added service areas are not visible on Google Maps, but they will taken into consideration by Google when this location is searched by a user: 


    In your Google Business Profile, you will see that there is an address saved, and a service area has been added too. The toggle for "Show business address to customers" is activated:




    3. Location with just service areas and the address is hidden ("Service Area Business") 

    In this case, no address has been added for the location on Google, and service areas have been added. The address display is turned off. 


    On Google Maps, you will see not see an address and there is no pin. Instead you will see the outline of the service area(s): 



    In your Google Business Profile, you will see that there is no address saved, and a service area must have been added instead. The toggle for "Show business address to customers" is deactivated:




    Managing Service Areas in Uberall



    Mandatory Address

    In order to create a location in Uberall, defining an address is mandatory. If you want to create locations in the Uberall platform for businesses that only have service areas and no physical location, we recommend you to add your invoice address to the platform. 



    It is available as a field in a Location’s Basic Data tab where you can define the name of the relevant service area. You'll need to specify your service area by city, postal code, or other area(s), like San Francisco, CA or Islington, London. The autocomplete feature pulls the suggestions for the area from Google.

    Service Areas can only be managed on a per-location basis in the platform and via API, but not via the export function. 

    Just like in your Google Business Profile, you can set up your location three different ways. 


    1. Location with just an address

    In Uberall, the location will have an address and hiding the address is turned off. No service areas are added: 




    2. Location with an address & service areas ("hybrid" locations)

    In Uberall, the location will have an address and hiding the address is turned off. A service area has been added: 



    3. Location with just service areas and the address is hidden ("Service Area Business") 

    In Uberall, the location will have an address (mandatory) and hiding the address is turned on. A service area should be added - if no service area is specified, we will by default send the zip code of the saved address as a service area: 







    Is it always possible to set up locations with just service areas? 

    Setting up locations with only service areas requires to also hide the address. Hiding the address is not always possible on Google - only certain business categories are allowed to hide the address (supermarkets and gas stations for example are not allowed to hide the address). 


    How do I verify a location with just service areas?

    Service Area Businesses (locations with only service areas and no address) are not eligible for Google's bulk verification. 

    In order to verify a SAB, you will have to complete the standard verification methods that Google is offering (email, phone, postcard, business video). 


    How can I verify my SAB with a postcard?

    Even if your business has no physical location, Google might ask you to verify your business with a post card. In that case, you will be asked to enter an address - we recommend you to use your invoice address. This address will later on not be displayed on Google Maps, and is only used for the verification. 


    How can I verify my SAB with a business video?

    Usually, a business video would have to show the physical location of a business. Since a SAB would not have one, instead, Google is asking you to prove that your business is actually operating. You can show the equipment you use, like a branded vehicle or marketing materials, the workspace or tools.   It is also possible to show business documents, like a business registration, invoices or utility bills. 


    What happens if I hide the address of a location on Google that is currently verified and shows an address?

    Turning off the address display - either on Google or in Uberall, if the location is connected to Google - will trigger a re-verification on Google. 


    Are multiple service areas supported by Google? How many?

    Google currently supports up to 20 service areas per location. If more are needed, we recommend expanding the existing ones to cover larger areas.


    Do all directories support service areas and service area businesses/hiding the address?

    Not all directories support a hidden address or service areas. Those directories will be automatically deactivated for a location if hiding the address in Uberall is activated. 


    What happens when a Google Business Profile location is connected to the platform? 

    When the connection is established, we detect the existing Service Areas and store them in the location's "Profile suggestions" tab.


    Are service area businesses based on a distance (=setting a service radius of XX miles/km from your business location) still available?

    With September 3, 2019, these SABs are not longer supported on Google. All locations that used to have a radius are automatically converted to the closest named area.


    How are Service Area Locations shown in Locator + Pages?

    Locations, with address display turned off and service areas defined will be shown on Locator + Pages. The location's address will not be displayed. However the pin will be placed on the coordinates set in our platform. Defined service areas are not visually displayed on the Locator, nor listed on Pages.




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