Locations File Data Input and Type

Learn about Data Input format and type for Locations

Last updated on July 27th, 2024


This articles covers the data type and format for Location data. This includes the Location and Content List data. This article is limited to the data format and types of data fields of the import/export file. For API, please refer to the official API documentation and its Object Models.


To keep a certain consistency in the data input process and to ensure the data flow and submission to directories, Uberall has a set of rules limiting the input format of certain data fields. These formatting rules mostly apply to the API and the import/export file since the data is purely text-based. Some format rules do also apply to the user interface portion of the platform, though most of the format-heavy fields will be handled through dropdown lists or another piece of selectable element.


Field Name Description Format/Type Example
businessIdentifier Unique identifier to the Sales Partner defining a specific Business. String Mybusiness-1
identifier Unique identifier to the Business defining a specific Location. String 12345; Berlin-1
status Used to define a Location's status one of ACTIVE, INACTIVE, CLOSED ACTIVE
name Official name of the Location String John's Pastries
streetAndNumber Street name and civic number of the Location String Washington Blvd. 145
zip If the country of your Location supports zip or postal codes, else leave empty String H3B 2S2; 13355
city City your Location is located in. Make sure the zip code is in that city String Berlin; San Fransisco
country Country your Location is located in String - ISO 2-letter ASCII code DE; US; CA; FR
lat Latitude value for the Location Double 51.9577024
lng Longitude value for the Location Double 7.37567411
categories Business categories associated to your Location semicolon separated category IDs 1217;998;91
addressExtra Address line 2 for your Location String suite 2; 101
phone Main phone number to reach your Location String +49 8151 33333; +1 555 555 5555
fax Fax number for your Location String +49 8151 33333; +1 555 555 5555
cellphone Cell phone number to reach your Location String +49 8151 33333; +1 555 555 5555

website Website of your Location String https://www.mywebsite.com
websiteExtra Secondary website for your Location String https://www.mywebsite.com
email Main email address to reach your Location String myemail@address.com
descriptionShort A short version of your Location's Description String - maximum 200 characters Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi interdum non massa in tristique. Etiam iaculis viverra diam, eu tincidunt quam facilisis ut. Etiam aliquam augue in lacus mollis gravida.
descriptionLong The full version of your Location's Description String - maximum 1000 characters Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque tristique ornare elit, sit amet gravida ante tincidunt ac. Proin eget velit scelerisque, feugiat risus nec, commodo mauris. Quisque rutrum, tortor ut feugiat mollis, nulla enim laoreet dui, in convallis mauris quam nec ex. Fusce lacinia lorem nec tortor vehicula, ut auctor urna commodo. Donec mollis, nisl et bibendum malesuada, justo urna fringilla tellus, ac consectetur ipsum nunc sit amet erat. Curabitur scelerisque tempus libero, eu accumsan neque condimentum vitae. Vestibulum ultrices massa vel dui pellentesque egestas. Etiam urna ex, pretium id metus nec, finibus pharetra velit. Pellentesque non massa consectetur, pharetra justo quis, tristique nulla. Sed in auctor odio, nec scelerisque dui. Curabitur commodo ante pellentesque turpis tincidunt, ac dictum elit faucibus. Sed accumsan neque nec tincidunt tempus. Proin venenatis metus a sem pretium, ac bibendum mauris aliquam. Vivamus sit amet massa et nulla mollis odio.
openingHours Your Location's regular opening hours String (Uberall hours format - Maximum 2 sets of hours in a single day) The absence of a day of the week will mark that day as closed Tu=10:00-18:00; We=10:00-18:00; Th=10:00-18:00; Fr=10:00-18:00; Sa=10:00-18:00 
specialOpeningHours Your Location's special/holiday hours String 2020-08-10=10:00-18:00; 2020-08-11=10:00-18:00; 2020-08-12=10:00-18:00; 2020-08-13=11:00-19:00; 2020-08-14=11:00-19:00; 2020-08-15=10:00-17:00; 2020-08-16=11:00-17:00; 2020-08-17=10:00-18:00; 2020-08-18=10:00-18:00; 2020-08-19=10:00-18:00; 2020-08-20=11:00-19:00; 2020-08-21=11:00-19:00  
openingHoursNotes Extra description for your Location's regular opening hours String - maximum 255 characters Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ut turpis augue. Quisque massa justo, euismod vitae urna et, fringilla ultricies sem. Nullam ligula metus, lacinia nec dolor ultricies, semper ultrices mauris. Quisque molestie orci accumsan.
keywords Keywords used to categorize your Location during searches Comma separated Strings - maximum 20 keywords Advertising, Customer Feedback,Directories, Listings, Local, Marketing, Online Presence Management, SEO
logo Logo representing your Location Direct Url to the photo - JPG or PNG format. No transparent background. Maximum size of 5MB https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/uberall-userpics-prod/2448407/lNOQcBpn5Q.jpg
squaredLogo A squared version of your Logo Direct Url to the photo - JPG or PNG format. No transparent background. Maximum size of 5MB https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/uberall-userpics-prod/2448407/veomIn8LmT.png
photo Photos that represent your Location Direct Urls to the photos (semicolon separated) - JPEG or PNG format. No logo. Minimum of 480px x 480px. Maximum size of 5MB https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/uberall-userpics-prod/668767/A49XJZ4BDa.jpg; https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/uberall-userpics-prod/668767/GKbGoiYPqn.jpg; https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/uberall-userpics-prod/668767/LAG1lxluRE.jpg; https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/uberall-userpics-prod/668767/Cf8ZabDgc8.jpg; https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/uberall-userpics-prod/668767/diy4h7llir.jpg; https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/uberall-userpics-prod/668767/umJJHVHeRO.jpg
landscape A landscape-style photo representing your Location Direct Url to the photo - JPEG or PNG format. At least 480px in height. A 16:9 aspect ratio is recommended https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/uberall-userpics-prod/2448407/psLoO6gPpM.jpg
brands A list of product brands your Location carries Comma separated Strings Beyond meat,The vegetarian butcher
languages Languages of service offered at your Location Comma separated Strings Albanian, English
services Services offered at your Location Comma separated Strings Catering,In-house chef
paymentOptions Supported payment methods at your Location Comma separated Strings AMAZON, AMEX, APPLEPAY, CASH, CASH ONLY, CHECK, CHINAUNIONPAY, DEBIT, MASTERCARD, NFC
adminOnlyLabels Labels to apply internally to your Location Comma separated String AB45, product-org
publicLabels Labels to apply publicly to your Location Comma separated String Grocery, public
imprint A statement of ownership for web channels (only published to Facebook) String - maximum 2000 characters

Uberall GmbH

Hussitenstraße 32-33

13355 Berlin


E-Mail: hello@Uberall.com


David Federhen und Florian Hübner

Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg HRB 141620 B

USt-IdNr. DE283367338

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addressDisplay Determines if your Location servers customers at a specific address Boolean - false if Service Area Business true; false
autoSync Enable or Disable auto updates to Directories Boolean true; false
skipFacebookPicturesUpdate Enable or Disable updating pictures on Facebook Boolean true; false
attributes Google attributes for your Location. Attributes can only be used from the availableAttributes Semicolon separated String (special format, see example) "accepts_reservations"="true"; "has_all_you_can_eat_always"="true"; "has_bar_onsite"="true"; "has_braille_menu"="true"; "has_catering"="true"; "has_childrens_menu"="true"; "has_curbside_pickup"="true"; "has_delivery"="true"; "has_drive_through"="true"; "has_fireplace"="true"; "has_high_chairs"="true"
availableAttributes READ-ONLY field showing available attributes for your Location based off of categories N/A "has_restroom_unisex"; "has_wheelchair_accessible_entrance"; "has_wheelchair_accessible_parking"; "has_wheelchair_accessible_restroom"; "has_wheelchair_accessible_seating"; "is_owned_by_women"; "requires_membership"; "swimming_pool_offerings"; "url_appointment"; "welcomes_lgbtq";"wi_fi"
FACEBOOK Link to your Location's Facebook page URL https://www.facebook.com/getuberall
LINKEDIN Link to your Location's LinkedIn page URL https://linkedin.com/company/2832960
TWITTER Link to your Location's Twitter page URL https://twitter.com/getuberall
YOUTUBE Link to your Location's Youtube page URL https://www.youtube.com/watch
XING Link to your Location's Xing page URL https://www.xing.com/companies/uberall
INSTAGRAM Link to your Location's Instagram page URL https://www.instagram.com/YOURCOMPANY
FOURSQUARE Link to your Location's Foursquare page URL https://foursquare.com/v/uberall/515c4010fe701fcb8267a454
PINTEREST Link to your Location's Pinterest page URL https://pinterest.com/YOURCOMPANY
VIMEO Link to your Location's Vimeo page URL https://vimeo.com/video/1234567890
seniorHours Your Location's Senior Hours of Operation (if any) String (Uberall hours format - Maximum 2 sets of hours in a single day) The absence of a day of the week will mark that day as closed
Mo=09:00-12:30; Tu=09:00-12:30; We=09:00-12:30; Th=09:00-12:30; Fr=09:00-12:30
driveThrough Your Location's Drive Through Hours of Operation (if any) String (Uberall hours format - Maximum 2 sets of hours in a single day) The absence of a day of the week will mark that day as closed
Mo=09:00-12:30; Tu=09:00-12:30; We=09:00-12:30; Th=09:00-12:30; Fr=09:00-12:30
onlineServiceHours Your Location's Online Service Hours of Operation (if any) String (Uberall hours format - Maximum 2 sets of hours in a single day) The absence of a day of the week will mark that day as closed
Mo=09:00-12:30; Tu=09:00-12:30; We=09:00-12:30; Th=09:00-12:30; Fr=09:00-12:30
takeout Your Location's Takeout Hours of Operation (if any) String (Uberall hours format - Maximum 2 sets of hours in a single day) The absence of a day of the week will mark that day as closed
Mo=09:00-12:30; Tu=09:00-12:30; We=09:00-12:30; Th=09:00-12:30; Fr=09:00-12:30
pickup Your Location's Pickup Hours of Operation (if any) String (Uberall hours format - Maximum 2 sets of hours in a single day) The absence of a day of the week will mark that day as closed
Mo=09:00-12:30; Tu=09:00-12:30; We=09:00-12:30; Th=09:00-12:30; Fr=09:00-12:30
kitchen Your Location's Kitchen Hours of Operation (if any) String (Uberall hours format - Maximum 2 sets of hours in a single day) The absence of a day of the week will mark that day as closed
Mo=09:00-12:30; Tu=09:00-12:30; We=09:00-12:30; Th=09:00-12:30; Fr=09:00-12:30
delivery Your Location's Delivery Hours of Operation (if any) String (Uberall hours format - Maximum 2 sets of hours in a single day) The absence of a day of the week will mark that day as closed
Mo=09:00-12:30; Tu=09:00-12:30; We=09:00-12:30; Th=09:00-12:30; Fr=09:00-12:30 
brunch Your Location's Brunch Hours of Operation (if any) String (Uberall hours format - Maximum 2 sets of hours in a single day) The absence of a day of the week will mark that day as closed
Mo=09:00-12:30; Tu=09:00-12:30; We=09:00-12:30; Th=09:00-12:30; Fr=09:00-12:30
access Your Location's Access Hours of Operation (if any) String (Uberall hours format - Maximum 2 sets of hours in a single day) The absence of a day of the week will mark that day as closed
Mo=09:00-12:30; Tu=09:00-12:30; We=09:00-12:30; Th=09:00-12:30; Fr=09:00-12:30
happyHour Your Location's Happy Hour Hours of Operation (if any)

String (Uberall hours format - Maximum 2 sets of hours in a single day) The absence of a day of the week will mark that day as closed Mo=09:00-12:30; Tu=09:00-12:30; We=09:00-12:30; Th=09:00-12:30; Fr=09:00-12:30
callToActionText1 Sets the text for the first CTA of your Location's Locator Page String Check out our menu!
callToActionUrl1 Sets the url for the first CTA of your Location's Locator Page URL https://your-domain.com/menu
callToActionText2 Sets the text for the second CTA of your Location's Locator Page String Apply now!
callToActionUrl2 Sets the url for the second CTA of your Location's Locator Page URL https://your-domain.com/apply
eventsID Links your Location with Event items. ID found in EVENTS Content List Comma separated String eventsID1, 1234, octEvent
menuID Links your Location with Menu items. ID found in MENU Content List Comma separated String menuId1, 562, specialMenuItem1
peopleID Links your Location with People items. ID found in PEOPLE Content List Comma separated String peopleId1, 777, John
productsID Links your Location with Products items. ID found in PRODUCTS Content List Comma separated String productsId1, 1212, Shoes1
customID Links your Location with Custom items. ID found in CUSTOM Content List Comma separated String customId1, 4434

Custom Content List

Field Name Description Format/Type Example
listName Name of your Custom Content List. Used as the title for the Content Box String Our favourite trees
customID Unique ID used to differentiate each item String 1; firstItem; pine-tree
Status Makes the Custom Item active or inactive ACTIVE/INACTIVE ACTIVE; INACTIVE
title Title for the specific Custom Item. Used as sub-title for the Content Box String Pine Tree; Maple Tree
description Describes the Custom Item String Beautiful, young and tall trees.
url Redirection URL for the Custom Item URL https://trees.com
category Category name for the Custom Item String Evergreen
price Price for the Custom Item String - in cents 1500 (15.00)
priceMax Defines a price range if applicable to the Custom Item String - in cents 3000 (30.00)
currency The currency in which your prices are shown String - Currency for price and priceMax in ISO-4217
unit The amount of units for the price String 1
imageUrl Direct link to a picture of your Custom Item URL - JPG or PNG format
imageDescription Description of the Custom Item image String Image of bamboo
videoType Video platform of the Custom Item video YOUTUBE/VIMEO YOUTUBE
videoUrl Direct link to the video of the Custom Item URL - Youtube or Vimeo Link https://youtube.com/my-tree-video
videoDescription Description of the Custom Item video String Tree video description

People Content List

Field Name Description Format/Type
listName Name of your People Content List
String On-site staff
peopleID Unique ID used to differentiate each item
String 123; John
status Makes the People Item active or inactive
name First title of the People Item String John Jackson
title Second title of the People Item String Accountant
description Description of the People Item String John has 30 years of experience and is the best in the business
url URL to the People Item's website URL https://your-domain.com/john-jackson
imageUrl Direct link to a picture of your People Item
URL - JPG or PNG format
imageDescription Description of the People Item image
String John Jackson head shot

Event Content List

Field Name Description Format/Type
listName Name of your Event Content List
String Summer 2021 Party
eventsID Unique ID used to differentiate each item
String 465; Summer2021
status Makes the Event Item active or inactive
title Title of the Event Item
String It's a party!
url Url to the Event Item's site URL https://your-domain.com/party
description Description of the Event Item String It's a party, what are you waiting for?
timeStart Start of the Event Item UTC Timestamp - YYYY-MM-ddThh:mm:ss:mmm+##:## Where ##:## is the time difference from UTC 2021-08-20T07:00:00.000+02:00
timeEnd End of the Event Item
UTC Timestamp - YYYY-MM-ddThh:mm:ss:mmm+##:## Where ##:## is the time difference from UTC
imageUrl Direct link to a picture of your Event Item
URL - JPG or PNG format
imageDescription Description of the Event Item image
String Party preview
videoType Video platform of the Event Item video
videoUrl Direct link to the video of the Event Item
URL - Youtube or Vimeo Link
videoDescription Description of the Event Item video
String Summer party video

Product Content List

Field Name Description Format/Type
listName Name of your Product Content List
String Kitchen
productsID Unique ID used to differentiate each item
String 983; table
status Makes the Product Item active or inactive
title Title of the Product Item String Wooden table
description Description of the Product Item String It's a wooden table
url URL to the Product Item page URL https://your-domain.com/table
category Category for the Product Item String kitchen
price Price for the Product Item
String - in cents
15000 (150.00)
priceMax Defines a price range if applicable to the Product Item
String - in cents
100000 (1000.00)
currency The currency in which your prices are shown
String - Currency for price and priceMax in ISO-4217
unit The amount of units for the price
String 1
imageUrl Direct link to the picture of the Product Item URL - JPG or PNG format
imageDescription Description of the Product Item's photo String Table photo
videoType Video platform of the Product Item video
videoUrl Direct link to the video of the Product Item
URL - Youtube or Vimeo Link
videoDescription Description of the Product Item video
String Video of the table

Menu Content List

Field Name Description Format/Type
listName Name of your Menu Content List
String Food
menuID Unique ID used to differentiate each item
String 9834; hotDog
status Makes the Menu Item active or inactive
title Name of the Menu Item String Hot Dog
description Description of the Menu Item String Classic, delicious steamed hotdog
url URL to the Menu Item's page URL https://your-domain/hotdog
category Category for the Menu Item String Fast Food
price Price for the Menu Item
String - in cents
86 (0.86)
priceMax Defines a price range if applicable to the Menu Item
String - in cents 100 (1.00)
currency The currency in which your prices are shown
String - Currency for price and priceMax in ISO-4217
imageUrl Direct link to a picture of your Menu Item
URL - JPG or PNG format
imageDescription Description of the Menu Item image
String Fresh hotdog

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