Synchronize your location data

    Last updated on August 4th, 2022

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    Manual SyncAutomatic Sync (Recommended)

    Sync (synchronization) is the process of submitting the location information to our publishers to request an update.

    If you create or edit a location through our platform, the updated information is not automatically sent to all the directories once it's been saved to the profile. You can manually trigger a sync or enable this action to be done automatically.
    Learn more about both options below.

    Manual Sync

    There are two ways to manually trigger the sync of your location data.
    Note: this option requires you to manually trigger the update every time you make a change.

    Option 1

    Go to the Locations tab
    Select the box next to the location name as shown in the picture below
    Click on "Start sync" on the top right 

    This will trigger the update of the selected locations. This method allows you to select multiple locations at once.

    Option 2

    Select one location
    Go to the "Profile" section.
    Click on "Sync now" on the top right corner

    Any change in the data will be synced in the respective sync intervals to the directories without any further action required.

    To activate this option, toggle on the 'Auto-sync" button on the location profile section.

    You can activate the auto-sync option with the bulk import function‍ for multiple locations at once.

    Change the value in the 'autosync' Column in the import template to "true" for all applicable locations. 

    Manage your locations' sync status with the drop-down option on the "Locations" tab.

    • Both actions can be found at the location level, allowing you to independently sync them.
    • On the general overview of your locations (in case you have more than one), you will only be able to trigger the Sync Now Option. 
    • However, you can also turn on Auto-Sync for your locations via the Import tool‍ by updating the auto-sync column to your preferred value (true to switch it on or false if you would like to synchronise manually)

    How long does it take for changes to be visible in the directories? 

    Regardless of the option you choose (manual sync or auto-sync), each directory has different synchronization times, ranging from immediate updates to days.

    Google, for example, will apply the changes in real time. Other directories may take a bit longer. The creation of a new listing may vary from a couple of minutes to days, depending on the directory. 

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